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Dell will sell PCs pre-installed with Linux

Go Linux!

Computer giant Dell announced that it is to start selling PCs pre-installed with the Linux operating system.

Dell is the second-largest computer manufacturer in the world controlling 16 per cent of the market and the move could dent Microsoft’s dominance of the software market. The Windows operating system is installed on 90 per cent of PCs with Linux believed to be used on six per cent.

Dell made its move in response to a survey of 100,000 customers that it carried out earlier this year. Some 70 per cent of respondents said that they wanted to use Linux.

“I think it will be a big blow to Microsoft,” said Alfred Thompson, technical director of First PointLtd., the local importer of Dell computers.

Microsoft’s head office, located near Seattle in the United States, declined to comment.

source: jamaica-gleaner