"; */ ?>


Sep 10

Spring Expression Language: Calling a Method with Parameters

Have you ever wanted to win $1,000,000 with a single SpEL ( Spring Expression Language ) call? Well, now you can, and here is how.

Let’s say there is a Lottery that deposits money to a winner’s bank account and congratulates the winner:

private class Lottery {
    // ...
    public String congratulateWinner( String name, BigDecimal amount, Date date ) {
    	String now = new SimpleDateFormat( "MM-dd-yyyy" ).format( date );
    	String cash = new DecimalFormat( "$#,###,###" ).format( amount.doubleValue() );
    	return "Congratulations " + name + "! " +
    	       "Today is " + now + ", and it's your lucky day, because " +
    	       "you just won " + cash + "!";

Here is how to make Anatoly win money with SpEL:

"congratulateWinner( 'Anatoly', #amount, #date )"

( of course, let’s not forget to set an amount to at least a million dollars ).

And here is a million dollar unit test:

public void shouldInvokeMethodWithParameters() {
    Lottery lottery = new Lottery();
    GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    calendar.set( 2010, 8, 10 );
    BigDecimal amount = BigDecimal.valueOf( 1000000.00 );
    // letting SPEL know about the "lottery", the "amount" won, and the "date"
    EvaluationContext context = new StandardEvaluationContext( lottery );
    context.setVariable( "amount", amount );
    context.setVariable( "date", calendar.getTime() );
    ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
    // using '#' to identify a variable ( NOTE: #this, #root are reserved variables )
    Expression exp = parser.parseExpression( "congratulateWinner( 'Anatoly', #amount, #date )" );
    String congratulations = ( String ) exp.getValue( context );	
    assertEquals( "Congratulations Anatoly! " + 
                  "Today is 09-10-2010, and it's your lucky day, because you just won $1,000,000!", 
                  congratulations );

(!) Do not write code that does not earn you money :)