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Aug 10

Gitolite: Does Not Appear to be a Git Repository

Have a user, whose public key was successfully added under “gitolite-admin/keydir” and whose rights were successfully configured under “gitolite-admin/conf/gitolite.conf”.

When this very user is cloning an existing, correctly configured repository, his/her identity ( public key ) is not being passed correclty => hence notice a password prompt:

$ git clone git@yourgitserver.com:your-project
Cloning into your-project...
git@yourgitserver.com's password: 
fatal: 'your=project' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Here is the way to help out git / gitolite to understand which identity ( key ) to use:

$ vi ~/.ssh/config
host gitolite
     user git
     hostname yourgitserver.com
     identityfile ~/.ssh/mypubkey

Now changing “git@yourgitserver.com” to “gitolite” does the trick:

$ git clone gitolite:your-project
Cloning into your-project...
remote: Counting objects: 83, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (77/77), done.
remote: Total 83 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (83/83), 156.45 KiB | 49 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), done.

Notice, public key was successfully accepted => hence there was no password prompt, and the clone was successful.

Aug 10

Making Git to Add Empty Directories

Since git is a “content” based SCM, and empty directories by git are not considered to be content [ which is arguable ], the only way to add them is to add “.gitignore” to every empty directory.

That may sound like a weird task after each time you create a Grails / Rails / Spring Roo / … project, since there are going to be many empty directories right from start.

To ease the pain, here is an alias you can add to your “.bashrc” to use before “git add .”:

# add '.gitignore' to all the empty dirs
alias ged='for i in $(find . -type d -regex ``./[^.].*'' -empty); do touch $i"/.gitignore"; done;'

one liner author: justinfrench.com

Aug 10

Git: Specify SSH Port

On the client side add “host” and “port” entries into “~/.ssh/config”, git will obey:

$ cat ~/.ssh/config 
host reposerver.com 
port 123