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Mar 09

Run Commands Remotely via SSH with No Password

Run Commands Remotely via SSH with No Password

Extremely useful for system administrators, very useful for application developers when testing with remote services, or how some buzz developers refer to it: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Also remote execution is widely used by web masters to sync/backup/create mirrors.

Below 5 simple steps will enable you to run any commands on the remote box/host/server via SSH without a need to provide a password. That is usually useful, if such remote calls need to be automated (work without manual/human intervention).

Step number 6 has an example on how to actually run a command on remote host via SSH.

from the local host

Step 1. Create a public/private keys with “ssh-keygen” (ENTER through everything):

      user@host:~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
      Generating public/private rsa key pair.
      Enter file in which to save the key (/home/toly/.ssh/id_rsa): 		[ENTER]
      Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 				[ENTER]
      Enter same passphrase again: 							[ENTER]
      Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
      Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
      The key fingerprint is:
      66:fd:11:ca:2d:21:b9:73:c1:b6:fa:1d:b2:2c:71:cd user@host
      The key's randomart image is:
      +--[ RSA 2048]----+
      |                         |
      |           .             |
      |          . o           |
      |         o + o         |
      |        E S.o o       |
      |       o. .+.o .       |
      |       . +o o.         |
      |        +. o...        |
      |       ... ..=.         |

At this point the public and private keys should be created and saved into “~/.ssh” directory:

      user@host:~/.ssh$ ls -l
      total 20
      -rw------- 1 user group 1675 2009-03-10 14:18 id_rsa
      -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 392 2009-03-10 14:18 id_rsa.pub
      -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 8642 2009-03-10 12:10 known_hosts

Step 2. Add identity to the local ssh authorizer with “ssh-add”.

If you “entered” through the “Enter file in which to save the key (/home/toly/.ssh/id_rsa)” in the previous step, then your identity file should be “id_rsa”:

      user@host:~/.ssh$ ssh-add id_rsa

Otherwise replace “id_rsa” with the file you chose to save your identity in.

In case of a friendly “Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.” error message, start “ssh-agent” as:

eval `ssh-agent`

and re-run “ssh-add”.

Step 3. Copy the public key to the remote host ( server ) under “~/.ssh”:

From the step above “id_rsa.pub” would be the public key that needs to be copied to the remote system you would like to run commands on.

      user@host:~/.ssh$ scp id_rsa.pub remoteuser@remotehost.com:~/.ssh/

from the remote host

Step 4. On remote host add this public key to “authorized_keys”:

      remoteuser@remotehost:~$ cd ~/.ssh
      remoteuser@remotehost:~/.ssh~$ cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys

Step 5. Change “authorized_keys” permissions to allow only you to read/write it:

      remoteuser@remotehost:~/.ssh$ chmod 600 authorized_keys

from the local host

Step 6. Now you can run any command on the remote box from the local box with no password:

Let’s see what that remote box is running at:

       user@host:~$ ssh remoteuser@remotehost.com  uname -a
       Linux remotehost 2.6.27-01-generic #1 SMP Thu Mar 21 10:34:21 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

By runing “ssh remoteuser@remotehost.com uname -a” from the local box, you just ran “uname -a” command on the remote box without a need to enter the password.

Good Luck Remoting!

Jan 09

That Hardware RAID is FAKE!

Hardware RAIDUbuntu community is straight up about the fact that in the last few years, a number of hardware products have come onto the market claiming to be IDE or SATA RAID controllers. These have shown up in a number of desktop/workstation motherboards. Virtually none of these are true hardware RAID controllers. Instead, they are simply multi-channel disk controllers combined with special BIOS configuration options and software drivers to assist the OS in performing RAID operations. This gives the appearance of a hardware RAID, because the RAID configuration is done using a BIOS setup screen, and the operating system can be booted from the RAID.

If I read it in the news or just while browsing the net, I would not even pay attention, but…

Recently I had to setup a RAID5 on one of the P5 ASUS motherboard on Ubuntu Intrepid with 4 hard drives, 1 TB each . Let me tell you – it seems very “straight up” (like a shot of stoli), but it really is NOT..

Motherboards, like ASUS would claim to have a controller where you can configure a single RAID volume in the BIOS at the “Hardware” level. That is exactly what I tried at first, cause that just makes sense, right?

Well, it appears that this Asus RAID is not in any way “hardware”, therefore Ubuntu installation, sees all 4 drives instead of a single volume, as it should have, in case of a true hardware RAID controller.

So when Intrepid tries to create a Software RAID, out of these 4 drives, it fails, due to the reason that one layer of software RAID is already there – created by Asus.

To solve the problem Asus Raid configuration needed to be wiped out, and the “RAID” option in BIOS for SATA/SCSI should be disabled. Only then Software RAID can be manually created in Ubuntu. Manually, means answer “no” to “Activate Serial ATA RAID devices?” question, and go partition them away manually:

(just an example of a random Ubuntu install screen while configuring RAID1)

configure software raid in ubuntu

Then choose “Configure software RAID”, and create all the multidisk devices (“Create MD device”) from available volumes.

And watch out “that RAID is fake!”. Make sure you do enough research beforehand, to really make sure that the motherboard/controller that has a “Hardware RAID” support in specifications does in reality goes to the metal.

Good luck!

Jan 09

Install Adobe Flash Player Firefox Plugin

Flash Player on Ubuntu

Since I upgraded one box to Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron), and another box to Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex), it was quite irritating for some time to watch youtube videos with no or flaky sound along with skipping videos.

In Firefox, when I went to “Tools -> Add-ons -> Plugins”, or just typed “about:plugins” in the address bar, I saw that I do have “Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124”, however it just dis not want to work smoothly. The same was true for “”Shockwave Flash 9.0 r100”.

So you would think that the right thing to do was to go to the Adobe website: “http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/“, choose “get the one for Ubuntu 8.04+” option, and download the latest (v10 / v11 / v12 / v13 / v14 / whatever…) flash player, right? Well, not really. After I did that, I saw both “Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124” and “Shockwave Flash 10.0 r15”, so I disabled 9.0 one, and enabled 10.0 – should be good right? NOPE.

What appeared to be the solution for this mess of flash plugins was to do some “sudo apt-cache search flash…” searches, and figure out what needed to go from both systems.

There were two culprits that overruled the only enabled “Shockwave Flash 10.0 vr15” plugin: “swfdec-mozilla” and “mozilla-plugin-gnash”. And hence they are going to be removed with all other potential inconsistencies:

sudo apt-get remove -y --purge flashplugin-nonfree gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla libflashsupport nspluginwrapper
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -rfd /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper

After this, I had a good feeling and went to http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ again, chose “get the one for Ubuntu 8.04+”, saved “install_flash_player_version_linux.deb” locally, and install it with my bare hands:

sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb

Restarted Firefox, and let me tell you – Quality of my Ubuntu life has improved significantly since then!
Want to improve the quality of your life significantly? Follow the two steps above :)

Jan 09

Find USB flash drive device in Linux

Find USB drive in Linux / Unix

Recently I have written a quick “how to” on restoring, formatting a USB flash drive. The “how to” had a lot of hits from different places since then, mostly from GOOGLE, of course, but some from independent bloggers, like my blogging self.

One of such places was www.newlinuxuser.com. Although the guide “saved them” (welcome :)) they had a very constructive critique that one thing the guide missed was how to actually find which device to restore / format.

Hence I decided to write a new little 2 step “how to” that will teach you just that.

Step 1. System Log is your friend, listen to what it has to say…

Imagine you close your eyes, and someone puts an apple in your mouth – would you be able to identify what the heck was put into your mouth? For most people the answer would be “yes”. ( If you’d like to experiment, feel free :). The thing is once you bite on that apple, your brain goes through many lines of code (given that we are written in C), finds that match, and reports:

"The object in your mouth was identified as an Apple - we've had that before.
  I just talked to the stomach, it knows how to digest it."

You would think that your Linux/Unix system is any different? Well, not really.

Right after you insert a USB device into a slot, Linux/Unix will try to read, and identify it. While doing that, it will also assign it to a particular device as “/dev/particular-device”. This device is exactly the information we need, so we can talk to it, and mount it.

Although most people would approach it with running a dmesg, and look at the output, I prefer a more natural OS way to look at things – we’ll look directly in the eye of a System Log!

Let’s use “tail -f”, so we can see real time system log updates:

tail -f /var/log/messages

Now insert your USB drive into a slot and you should see the output similar to:

Dec  5 14:53:19 your-hostname kernel: [81585.308993] usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3
Dec  5 14:53:19 your-hostname kernel: [81585.456757] usb 4-1: not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub
Dec  5 14:53:19 your-hostname kernel: [81585.484884] usb 4-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
Dec  5 14:53:19 your-hostname kernel: [81585.498817] scsi6 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
Dec  5 14:53:24 your-hostname kernel: [81590.514870] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access     USB 2.0  USB Flash Drive  0.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
Dec  5 14:53:24 your-hostname kernel: [81590.519874] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] 15794175 512-byte hardware sectors (8087 MB)
Dec  5 14:53:24 your-hostname kernel: [81590.522834] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
Dec  5 14:53:24 your-hostname kernel: [81590.534817] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] 15794175 512-byte hardware sectors (8087 MB)
Dec  5 14:53:24 your-hostname kernel: [81590.537814] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
>>>>  Dec  5 14:53:25 your-hostname kernel: [81590.537888]  sdb: sdb1  <---- GOT YOU!
Dec  5 14:53:25 your-hostname kernel: [81590.654848] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk

Note that the USB drive was “connected”, or associated with sdb device

[81590.654848] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] 15794175 512-byte hardware sectors (8087 MB)

and more precisely, with sdb1 device

[81590.537888]  sdb: sdb1

And that means we can talk to it! The full name of the guy would be “/dev/sdb1”.

Now let’s greet our friend. Say: “Hi /dev/sdb1”! :)

Step 2. Mount USB drive’s device to the File System.

Just an extra step, in case you need to mount it. If you can’t, and would like to format it, so you can mount it afterwards, read this.

To mount the drive enter this:

sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdrive/

where “/dev/sdb1” is the name of the device, we found in the step above. “/media/usbdrive/” is the directory that we are going to mount it to. Make sure this directory exists (otherwise create it “sudo mkdir /media/usbdrive/”). And “-t vfat” is asking your Linux/Unix OS to mount this device as a “vfat” (FAT16, FAT32) device.

Many, if not most, USB devices are VFAT, however if you have an NTFS USB hard drive, for example, you can mount it by entering:

sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdrive/ -o force

“sudo” in above couple commands comes from mostly Ubuntu way to “run command as a super user”. If you have any other flavor of Linux/Unix, you may want to just run it as a “root” user.

Eat more apples, and good luck!

Nov 08

Configure iwl3945 Driver on Ubuntu

It is quite frustrating when you have a wireless card built in, but you cannot use it – don’t you agree? That seems to be the case for wifi cards that are served by “iwl3945” driver. One of such examples can be “Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG” card.

Before, ( e.g. Feisty and earlier ) “ipw3945” driver was used instead, and worked beautifully with Intel cards. However the active development of this driver has stopped a couple of years ago, which means that security risks that were identified in the last couple of years were not patched. Therefore Ubuntu community switched to a more recent and supported “iwl3945” driver.

However that created a problem with NetworkManager that is used as a default network user interface in (Gnome) Ubuntu. It appears that in order “to be compatible with NetworkManager, a wireless driver must support both hardware and software scanning. Currently, hardware scanning is faster and more reliable and so is recommended for use with NetworkManager“. But unfortunately “iwl3945” driver does not support hardware scanning very well, however it is a default behaviour that NetworkManager expects.

But usually, and that is what I love Ubuntu for, if there is a problem, there is 99.9999% a solution to this problem. So this how to will help you solve it, and enjoy your Intel Wireless card with Ubuntu, despite of inconsiderate (in this case) NetworkManager.

1. Remove the bad guy

sudo apt-get remove network-manager

2. Disable “iwl3945” hardware scan

sudo vi /etc/modrobe.d/iwl3945


	alias wlan0 iwl3945
	options iwl3945 disable_hw_scan=1   # <-- enables software scanning

and save it (:wq).

At this you might want to restart or (optinal) just re-insert the module like this:

sudo modprobe -r iwl3945
sudo modprobe iwl3945

3. Install the good guy

Here you’ll install “the good guy” – his/her name is WICD:

Add wicd’s repository to Ubuntu sources:

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
	 deb http://apt.wicd.net intrepid extras

(if you have Hardy Heron, then add “deb http://apt.wicd.net hardy extras” instead)

Update repositories

   sudo apt-get update

Install wicd “the normal Ubuntu way”:

   sudo apt-get install wicd

4. Run the good guy


or restart, it should run automatically.

Happy wifying!